The latest tweets from @advantageslots. An independent and uncensored Slots Forum community to discuss Jackpots, Trip Reports, Advantage Play, and more. Please visit the Advantage Play sub-forum. The “Atlantic City 14” and the Future of Advantage Play; The Use of Deadly Force at South Point Casino; What’s Skill Got To Do With It; Why Advantage Players Play; OTHER POSTS “21 News” – A Free Newsletter from 1990; A Plea for Surveillance; Advantage Play Against Slots; Advantage Play in California Card Rooms. Tips, information and more to help you be a savvier player. We have a LOVE/HATE relationship with advantage play slot machines! Chasing the 'almost bonus' is sometimes amazing, and sometimes more costly than hoped for.

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  2. Advantage Play Slots 2019
  3. Advantage Play Slots

Captain Jack: On Green Chip recently, someone asked about slot machine advantage players and why he can't find anyone who is willing to talk about it. I gave a short reply, but I think it warrants further discussion. It goes back to the classic debate of AP Art v. Science. Any robot can count cards, but the ability to get away with it is where the art of the process comes into play. Being a successful card counter requires subterfuge and good casino comportment. Therefore, while many books have been written on how to count cards, blackjack is still offered in casinos and more players ultimately lose attempting to count cards than those who show a profit long term. You can have all the science you want, but if you don't get the art of card counting, you're doomed.

Conversely, there is no art to slot machine play. Step 1 - Press a button. Step 2 - See step 1. If someone were to write the comprehensive guide to beating all beatable slots, then there would be no barrier to entry to becoming a slot machine AP. For the most part, there is no casino heat. Since the EV you are manifesting is created by other players playing at a deeper -EV, the casino doesn't really care. The only negative force in the casino is other AP's. There lies the rub. In the same way you'd never want to educate your opponent (the casino) in blackjack, educating other AP's on machines creates negative expectation.

Fortunately, for slot AP's, there has never been a better time to be alive. Whereas 7-8 yrs ago, slot AP play was probably worth only a couple dollars an hour, now with the abundance of opportunities it is easily a six-figure annual income for those who practice it. The competition is cut-throat. There are a lot of pseudo-gangs which bully lone AP's at casinos and AP's should be wary of their surroundings when coming and going from a casino. If you do find a slots AP willing to teach you, he either doesn't know what he's giving away or he doesn't know that much to begin with. The best way to learn is to teach yourself.

Advantage Play Slots

Refinery: That's very sound reasoning. I've been somewhat annoyed by the lack of sharing in this area but your explanation makes a lot of sense. I hadn't been bothered to consider it too much because other than stumbling across something incredibly easy that's a quick win, I'm not sure I'm interested. How long could I realistically sit and push a button?

Vagabond: Not to mention some idiot out there is sharing photos on social media of slot AP’s he encounters in the wild.

Advantage Play Slots 2019


Maverick: There were days when members formed their own working groups. One might call them gaming investment groups. I can remember when we met as teams and went off with cell phones until one of us spotted something worth a call. Then we all would meet at the designated casino. I can remember when we traded online information on almost a daily basis. This seems like it would be amenable to such an approach. Like then, members of the working group could be from all over the world -- not just the United States.

Originally published on Green Chip, edited for this format.

I want to learn.......
thanks for the article back to grinding Blackjack for a bit

I want to learn.......
thanks for the article back to grinding Blackjack for a bit

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Advantage Play Slots

Slot Machine Systems

By now, you might be wondering if I have anything positive to say about slot machine strategies. To this point, I've more or less said that slots strategies are a waste of time. So I thought I would detail ways to help a gambler win a little more often at slots.

Slots Payouts

A slots player wanting to maximize one's payouts should have a rudimentary knowledge of how payouts work. A payout percentage is what percentage of the money you put into a slot machine will, on average, be payed back to you. If a slot machine has a payout percentage of 93%, that means that you can expect to get back $93 out of every $100 you put into the machine.

That's an average, so some people might hit a big jackpot and get hundreds or thousands of dollars more than they put into the machine, while many other people will lose 50% of the money the placed in the same slot machine. We're talking about a theoretical percentage over a large number of spins, so the deviation from the average can be quiet large in the short term.

Typically, a payout percentage will be between 83% and 99%, though you won't find too many slot machines paying out much more than 96%. Casinos are stipulated by law to pay a certain percentage out, usually somewhere around 80% in most states. Casino slots tend to pay out somewhere in the 90 percentiles, because they are in competition with other casinos. If they have low payouts, smart players learn that and play in the more competitive gambling house.

That's why people tend to warn gamblers to stay away from Native American casinos. It's not that Indian casinos are dishonest. It's that they usually have very little competition in the regions surrounding them. Local gamblers who want to gamble in a live casino either play in the Indian casino or no place at all. So the small-time, local casinos tend to have lower payouts than Las Vegas casinos, where the competition is fierce.

Progressives and Flat-Tops

A flat-top slot machine is a slot machine without a progressive jackpot. Typically, these slots have a higher hit frequency than progressives, but they don't pay out as much on the hits. If a player wants a chance at a big jackpot, they play the progressive. If a gambler wants to win on more spins, a flat top slots game is probably a better option.

Progressive jackpots are those prizes that increase every time a player doesn't hit the jackpot. Imagine the jackpot is at 50,000. If you don't hit the jackpot, the progressive rises by a small percentage. These days, progressives are often networked with dozens of other progressive slot machines, meaning the jackpot rises every time a machine throughout the network is played and the progressive jackpot is not hit.

Still, scouring the casino floor for a high progressive jackpot is the only time that slot machine strategy actually comes into play. Of course, when a progressive jackpot reaches that magical level...

Advantage Play Strategies

One concept with the progressive jackpot is advantage play. If a progressive jackpot reaches a certain level, beyond the break-even point, then playing on that machine becomes a positive expectation game. This is called advantage play. That is, the payout percentage rises above 100% and a player can expect to win more money then losing, if that player wins the jackpot.

One problem with advantage play is, in a networked progressive, the player isn't assured of winning the jackpot, so even if he or she sat there until the jackpot was won. A second problem is, there is no assurance that a jackpot will be hit by a given spin, so a player might still run through one's entire bankroll before hitting the progressive, even in an advantage play scenario.

Serious slots players walk casino floors looking for the right progressive jackpots. So you aren't likely to find too many cases where a slot machine with a high progressive jackpot is uncovered. If you do, play it. Even at that, don't expect to win, because your odds of hitting the jackpot is no larger than before.

Other than advantage play slot machine strategies, there are no other real slot machine strategies. So don't waste your time reading books on money management, betting techniques and slots tips. They won't help.

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